Ateknea at inspire conference 2016!

Over the past decades the European Union has put in place a broad range of environmental legislation to protect, preserve and improve Europe’s environment for present and future generations. However, many challenges persist and these must be tackled together in a structured way.

The 7th Environment Action Programme (EAP), guiding European environment policy until 2020, identifies the priority areas where more action is needed and ascertains INSPIRE as one of the instruments of the enabling framework to meet these goals.

As part of the pioneers Citizens Observatories project, Ateknea actively participated in the challenges of the VGI and Citizen Observatories INSPIRE Hack.

The new CO projects had the opportunity to learn from past experiences and solve together the common issues of the first CO projects.

In the same line, Ateknea presented the new air monitoring platform in order to contribute to future CO projects.


